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What Challenges Home Businesses Face

If you own your own business, you will probably agree, it’s not for everyone.  It’s possible to be the exception and not the rule.

If you are new to entrepreneurship or considering starting a business, you’re off to a good start if you read articles and blogs like this one.  

Sometimes, “knowing is half the battle”.  Not everyone has all kinds of time to peruse the feeds of social media hoping for helpful content, though.

Being fortunate enough to be an at-home mom and wife for 20+ years, I have had ample time and resources to learn a lot on the subject of internet business.  

Photo by SHVETS production: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-falling-carton-boxes-with-negative-words-7203956/

I can try to be helpful, but “you don’t know what you don’t know”.  I resist the urges to send emails and IMs giving uninvited advice and suggestions.  I mean well, but it doesn’t often go over well.  

It’s taken me half of a century to discover my purpose and passions.  Now that I know, time is of the essence, since I don’t likely have a half of a century to make a difference.  

Helping others find answers and fixes to questions and problems in order to improve their lives is my intention.  I have many resources and some knowledge in several industries, niches, and subjects so I am determined to use it to elevate life for as many of us as possible.

My exploration has landed me smack-dab in the middle of the world-wide web.  Since I see so few locals truly benefitting from the internet, it’s my mission to put people with the right knowledge and the right people to reach new heights in their lives.

Photo by cottonbro studio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-person-s-hands-4631064/

So when considering whether or not to start a business, it might be helpful to know what home business owners often encounter in the way of challenges.

1.   Isolation:   Absence of collaborative efforts and co-workers tends to have an isolating effect.  Keeping this in mind, it’s a good idea to network and have regular face time with peers and mentors.

2.   Time Management:   Balancing work and personal life becomes tricky when your home is your workplace. Effective time management is crucial.  Maintaining a consistent regimen or routine will help.

3.   Distractions:   Home environments can be filled with distractions, making it challenging to stay focused on work tasks.  Knowing what distracts you can help you to find ways to ward off these efficiency snatchers!

Photo by Robert So from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-squirrel-hanging-on-a-branch-and-eating-from-a-squirrel-feeder-16449632/

4.   Financial Management:   Managing finances, budgeting, and dealing with irregular income streams can be challenging for home-based entrepreneurs. *TIP* Set up a different account for each income stream, payables, receivables, and payroll (even if you only pay you.)

5.   Marketing and Visibility:   Creating a strong online presence and effectively marketing products or services can be daunting for those new to digital platforms.  Take advantage of tools and free webinars.

6.   Legal and Regulatory Compliance:   Navigating legal requirements and regulations for home businesses, including permits and licenses, taxes, disclosures, etc. can be confusing.  YouTube is a terrific source for information and tutorials.

7.   Client Acquisition:   Finding and retaining clients can be challenging, especially in competitive markets.  Networking is a good way to gain support and word of mouth advertising.  Get reviews and testimonials, too.

8.   Technological Challenges:   Dealing with technical issues, cybersecurity concerns, or adapting to new technologies can be a frustrating hurdle when you can’t just ask a coworker or IT for help.  (Not to mention integrations, domains, hosts, automated emails, ISP, API….).

Photo by Mikael Blomkvist: https://www.pexels.com/photo/business-plan-schedule-written-on-the-notebook-6476808/

This last one is my biggest pain point.  Yes, IS, as in currently.  If anything can make me feel stupid  (😖🤯🫨🧐🤬) this is it.  Domains, integrations, blah blah blah. Gets me every single time.

Do you have your own business?  Been thinking about it but challenges holding you back?  I want to hear about it.  Feel free to leave your struggles or fears of struggles in the comments!

If you are interested in networking and learning from others or sharing your knowledge and experience click below.


30 Ways To Own Your Workspace

Whether you’re a seasoned remote worker or new to the work-from-home lifestyle, creating a space that is conducive to focus and productivity is important.

In this article, I’ll share 30 tips to help you take control of your home workspace and make the most out of your remote work experience.

To create a dedicated workspace at home, consider these steps:

1.   Choose the Right Location:   Pick a quiet area with minimal household traffic. Ideally, it should be away from personal distractions like the TV or high-traffic areas.

2.   Furniture and Equipment:   Invest in a comfortable desk and chair. Ensure you have the necessary equipment for your work, such as a computer, stationery, and any tools specific to your business.

3.   Organize and Declutter:   Keep your workspace tidy. Use organizers, shelves, or storage solutions to minimize clutter and maintain a clean, organized environment.

Photo by Ken Tomita from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/turned-off-laptop-computer-389818/

4.   Natural Light:   Position your desk near a window for natural light. Keeping your space well lit helps keep awake.

5.   Decorate Thoughtfully:   Per,sonalize your workspace with items that motivate you. This could be photos, artwork, or simply a specific color scheme.

6.   Establish Physical Boundaries:   If possible, separate your workspace from the rest of your living space using a specific room, large closet, or privacy screens/partition.

7.   Use Headphones or Background Music:   If there are distracting sounds and noises in or near your home, consider using headphones or playing background music to create a cocoon of concentration.

Remember that the objective is to create an inspirational, comfortable work environment that motivates and energizes.

Here are additional ways to enhance your home workspace:

8.   Desk Organization:   Invest in desk organizers, trays, and containers to keep pens, papers, and office supplies neatly arranged.

9.   Proper Lighting:   Ensure adequate lighting to reduce eye strain. Consider a desk lamp with adjustable brightness.

10.   Color Psychology:   Choose colors for your workspace that promote focus and productivity, such as blues, greens, or neutral tones.

11.   Personalized Calendar:   Use a wall calendar or planner to keep track of deadlines, tasks, and appointments. (I like a large desk calendar/blotter.)

12.   Inspiring Artwork:   Hang motivational artwork or images that resonate with your work goals. For example: 4 P’s, Rules Of Engagement, Motto, goals, etc.

13.   Cable Management:   Keep cables organized to avoid a tangled mess and trip hazards. Cable organizers or clips can be helpful.

14.   Comfortable Flooring:   If your workspace is in a room with hard floors, consider a rug or mat for added comfort.

15.   Air Purifier: If dust or allergies are problematic. Also humidifiers/dehumidifiers are helpful to some.

16.   Ergonomics: Adjustable height desks are great if you are up and down a lot. Create a standing or sitting optional space to write and type.

17.   Whiteboard or Corkboard:   Use it to jot down important notes, goals, or to-do lists. Especially great for project organization.

Photo by Minh Phuc: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-modern-desk-setup-18293807/

18.   Indoor Plants:   Incorporate greenery to add a touch of nature, which can boost mood and productivity.

19.   Comfortable Seating:   Invest in a quality chair with proper lumbar support and arm rests to ensure comfort during long work hours.

20.   Guest space: Additional chair and/or table for clients, teammates, and visitors.

21.   Headset for Calls:   If your work involves frequent calls, a comfortable headset can be beneficial for clear, hands free communication.

22.   Clock or Timer:   Use a visible clock or timer to help manage your time effectively and take breaks when needed.

23.   Personalized Signage:   Create a “Do Not Disturb” or “In Focus” sign to signal when you’re in deep work mode.

24.   Aromatherapy:   Essential oils or diffusers with scents like lavender or peppermint can have calming or invigorating effects.

25.   Dual Monitors:   If your work involves multitasking, dual monitors can enhance efficiency.

26.   Mirror:   Place a mirror strategically to create an illusion of more space and light or to give a quick self-check.

27.   Calendar App:   Utilize digital calendar apps to sync tasks and appointments across devices.

28.   Waste Receptacle/Shredder: to keep your space tidy and secure.

29.   Desk Fan or Heater:   Maintain a comfortable temperature and in your workspace.

30.   Coat Tree/Rack: To hang your coats, hats, etc., or guest’s.

There you have it—30 ways to turn your home workspace into a productivity powerhouse.

Photo by Lisa Fotios: https://www.pexels.com/photo/office-chair-and-desk-1957477/

As you continue on your remote work journey, remember that your workspace is your sanctuary, where creativity flourishes and goals are achieved.

Implement these strategies, adapt them to fit your unique needs, and watch as your home workspace becomes your favorite place to be productive and inspired.

Here’s to owning your home workspace and thriving in your home-based work endeavors. Still looking for at-home work or a business?

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