Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Something’s Gotta Give

Maybe you can relate. I have great work ethic, and, if I am confident, I can work circles around my co-workers.

I’m the person who will cover any shift, without a trade. I’m happy to do the jobs nobody else wants to do.

But I’m hard to please. If I don’t think you are doing your part and it reflects badly on me I get a little irritated.

Sometimes, I get so frustrated that I can’t think clearly. I get emotional because I feel like I’m failing and my coworkers don’t care.

I don’t have a social life. When I have a job, it’s the only human interaction I have. Most weeks, I may get out 2 days. Usually, not to visit but, to run errands or transport others.

So it isn’t easy to resolve myself to working from home. My first thought is that’s bad for my social schedule.

Priority Differences

Another reason to get a job rather than work from home is the distractions present. I spend all day at home with only Harley, the dog.

While it seems like I have all day to work, I’m expected to do different work than that which makes money.

So, I can only guarantee certain hours. If anything comes up that interferes with my routine, it’s next to impossible to catch up.

The demands made on me by my family are extensive at times. I spend a lot of time sitting in my car, waiting.

If I’m at a job, I’m not available to be taxi service, an errand runner, a maid, a housekeeper or entertainment for the bored.

When I’m not at work I’m still the person responsible for all the cooking, cleaning and errands. And they just wait until I’m off work to need rides.

If I’m at home, I’m expected to drop everything and cater to everyone’s needs, but my own. Of course, this all in my imagination, they say.

Let my husband come home to no supper or the house no cleaner. He will pout all evening and punish me with the silent treatment.

The Options

For almost 20 years I’ve tried to think of ways I could start my own business. I come up with great ideas but lack confidence and support.

So there’s always some reason it doesn’t or won’t work out. Even now, as I’m writing this, my husband’s text popped up. He needs money to pay the Snap-on guy something.

So I’m supposed to drop everything to drive 40 miles to give him cash and drive 40 miles back home. No consideration of the time or gas it’s going to cost.

He brought home $750. We spent $560 on the phones and internet. We have spent another $100 on food. Gave our son $20, and have spent $60 on gas. That leaves $10.

Of course I had some stashed but that still leaves us with no money for the week, and we are both out of soda. So what do I do?

Im damned if I do and damned if I don’t. If I don’t, he will keep this weeks paycheck and blow it. I’ll be lucky to get a few hundred. So I won’t be able to pay for our needs and a bill. One or the other.

I don’t need to take a blood pressure reading, my headache tells me my BP is high. I’m the only one concerned though.

The Solution

I have to establish boundaries and make my own choices. I have to stop answering to everyone’s needs. It isn’t my job to fix everything.

I finally found the key to financial freedom, but it’s not gonna come without effort. I need to grow an audience and provide value. Only then will I start to earn.

I signed up for a Free website through Plug-in profits and I finally feel encouraged. I can see how it will work and I am able to do the work.

So, I’m trying to stick to it, in spite of the constant demands. I just got another message: frustration that I haven’t answered. Because I should drip what I’m doing and answer him.

I will pay dearly either way. And this is how it starts. My day goes to shit and then “you wonder why no one wants to be around you.”

So, like it or not (LION), I’m posting this as is. Check out the links around this blog. Maybe you can find your path to financial freedom.

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