Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Archive | January, 2024

Training For Life

Lessons At Birth

From the time we make our appearance into the world, we are learning. We learn how to be comforted, we learn to recognize touch and sound.

It’s impossible to know exactly what we’re thinking, but to me it seems logical that we are observing and utilizing the senses we have to learn about our surroundings.

If we don’t receive nurturing and interaction, we are likely not very excitable. If we are hungry or wet, we use our experience to tell us how to ask for comfort. If our cries are ignored, we either accept discomfort as the norm or we continue to grow unhappy until our needs are met.

It might not seem like anyone has any impact on our life when we’re so young. I don’t understand how the truth can be so mistaken. No, a baby won’t have a recalled memory of it, but it definitely is an experience that has an impact on who we become.

One or Two Teachers

I can remember moments or glimpses of times. I always surprise people with my keen memory. My parents divorced when I was almost 5. After my mom died, I questioned my Dad about weird memories I had.

Astonished by the detail, he validated my memories and clarified the confusion I’d carried for 40 years or so. Doing so also opened my mind up to revisit my memories with a more accurate concept of what was happening.

That’s when I realized how misguided I was as a parent. I had all but raised my kids, and NOW I understand better how they perceived things when they were little.

I started to understand why I was so concerned with approval of my parents and of all elders. It makes great sense now, that I’ve always been very injured by criticism and rejection.

More and more, my authentic self is clearly a result of my parents’ lack of experience and guidance. It quickly opened my eyes to what my job as a parent is. Sadly, I don’t think most parents ever have that aha moment.

I wish I had it when I could have changed what my kids were learning. That’s the thing that made me see the giant lie we tell ourselves as parents. We aren’t qualified to teach our children. That is ridiculous.


If you think about it, the first methods we use to teach our kids is through programming. With repetition, any animal will learn ways that work and don’t. It is a part of nature for animals to teach their young.

Some are more patient than others, and usually one animal is the rearer. Evolved animals, like humans, learn what our parents learned, and we develop life bonds.

Sometimes, we have a teacher that makes a huge impact on us for the way they teach, or their generosity, or a particular lesson they taught. A teacher appreciates these stories because they “do a thankless job.”

I graduated from a public school. Twice. But, I get it, now. Learning is a life long journey when done right. I didn’t come out of high school or college with that mindset or attitude. The teachers, the students, nor the parents share this thinking, in most cases.

In my view, no school is better than public and traditional school settings. I hear the reasons that parents give for not staying home with the kids and for sending their kids to school and it bothers me. Statements like:

“I’m not a teacher, he won’t sit and do the work for me “

“They need to be socialized and learn to play with other kids their age.”

“I’d be fat cuz I’d eat out of boredom.”

“I’d go nuts being with them all day!”

Oh, sure you laugh in understanding, but truly? Unaware of how that sounds to the at-home mom who homeschools her kids, they also don’t consider that it leaves impressions on the kids, other parents, teachers…and everyone listening.

That way of thinking is not the best way of thinking for the children or the future. One parent should not be disrespected because they don’t contribute financially to a family situation.

Parents who choose to school their kids shouldn’t be doubted or questioned about their qualifications. It seems dumb that we don’t question before the age of 5, but after.

By the time we’re 5 years old, we have learned what will get us through childhood, with little outside assistance aside from financial support and meal service and first aid, etc. Our attitude, behavior, strengths and weaknesses are all formed as part of our formative programming.

Restructured Thinking

It amazes me, the knowledge we have about psychology, sociology, biology, and all those ‘gies, and the controversy involved in any and all of it. Science is a pretty convincing reason to act. There are places and times that proven science is required and others that allow for experimental exploration.

I’m unimpressed by the “evolution” of human parenting. The initial idea of schooling was understandable, to a point. Inventions of technology weren’t a result of highly educated men in many cases. Many intelligent individuals schooled at home.

There was a time when women were proud to be raising their children and creating mindful, active, community-minded citizens. Fathers took pride in the values, ethics and morals he helped to instill, among other qualities.

Modern parents are too hung up on women’s rights, misogyny, chauvinism, gender roles, equal opportunity, equal rights, equal wages…blah blah blah. Who cares which parent is the breadwinner? Who cares which is the domestic engineer?

There was a time when we knew it was our job to raise and teach our children. When it wasn’t popular to expect someone to have sex if they weren’t prepared to deal with the consequences. When women didn’t think the only way to be loved was through sex.

We’ve become a society of convenience and indulgence. We exhibit the values, morals and ethics that are convenient for the times and “we want what we want.” It’s sad. I have a lot more to say on the subject, but … Baby steps.

The first step in changing for the better is recognizing the problems. In the interest of collecting proof to raise awareness, I am determined to cause a new trend that will forever change society for the better.

One way to facilitate change is to help others change their lives. That’s my aim. I want to help others find their financial freedom and in the end freedom of choice and time, too.

In doing so, I believe I can inspire a different mindset and appreciation of their responsibility for current and future parents.

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter and update if you want to hear more of my thoughts on the subject of parenting and how it relates to home business.

My dream society? No abuse, aggression, insecurity, suicide…more self-awareness, contentment and improvement.

Lessons At Birth From the time we make our appearance into the world, we are learning. We learn how to be comforted, we learn to recognize touch and sound. It’s impossible to know exactly what we’re thinking, but to me it seems logical that we are observing and utilizing the senses we have to learn…


Time And Space

When starting a new home business or remote job, we often jump right in without giving any thought to the future work we’ll need to do.

Setting up an online business or job seems like a simple enough task. If the tools we work with are apps and computer based, what else do we really need, right?

There are several ways to optimize your work space that will better set you up for success.

  1. Designated Work Area: Decide on a specific space to do work-related tasks. A separate area that guarantees quiet and privacy and eliminates distraction, is a good starting point.
  2. Records Management: While most of your work related documents will be stored online, it’s still a good idea to have a place for storing records. A file cabinet with files sorted alphabetically and numerically will usually accomplish good organization of non-digitized files and blank forms and worksheets.
  3. Printer/Copier/Fax: Depending on the type of work you do, a multi-function printer is often helpful. Whether you need extra forms printed or you need copies of documents, having a way to print it at home saves time and money.
  4. Door: having a way to leave work at work is important. Making sure you can close the door on your work day helps prevent burn out as well as offering an easy way to maintain order and neatness.
  5. Phone: If you are using your cell phone for work, it might not always be convenient to receive private calls or texts. Having a landline to forward calls can be a way to separate business from pleasure.

Having a designated workspace is crucial for creating an ideal space to be productive. Eliminating outside noises and distraction helps keep your mind focused.

Being able to shut the door can prevent unnecessary disruptions and can signal a better time for visitors.

Adding desk organization tools, a dry erase message board on the door, a waste basket, stapler, paper, pens, file baskets, and other useful items can successfully set the mood for productivity and professionalism.

When planning to work from home, take some time to assess your work style and seek to set your work space to accommodate a most productive environment.

Do you have a designated work space? What does your ideal home work space look like?


Gaining Trust and Authority

When I first discovered Facebook, in 2009, I was amazed by the reach I had. Quickly, the group of people I had amassed on my Friend List was controversial in some circles. Everyone knew me, and I didn’t feel the need to compare because I was one of the most fortunate in my circles.

Growing up in a town with less than 5000 residents, I never considered the number of people I had met in my life, or the impacts I made on others. By the middle of 2013, my list had over 2K friends on it from being on the platform 80% of the time. I could honestly say I knew each person on my list.

After that, more people joined because of my affiliation with a unique jewelry company and the content I shared on my business page I’d set up for it. Being online since late 1999 meant that I was already familiar and somewhat experienced with javascript, html, element web sites, affiliate marketing, and social media marketing. I even learned about earning online in a few different ways.

I learned some great sales and set up tips, for my social selling parties, and the biggest lesson I learned was to be honest and authentic. The story I told explaining my reason for joining was true and resonated with every single person I spoke to and it instantly awarded me with trust and authority.

When I quietly told one group some less welcomed information about the products I sold and how they could prevent it and even fix it, that sealed the deal. People that were automatically skeptical were placing large orders and referring more people to my business. It was a wonderful feeling.

Another lesson I learned, wasn’t so great. I learned the hard way that my top priority was happy customers and greed played no part in success. I would have been better off not making any profits and donating my profits to charity.

I hosted one party that promised 100% of the profits to the customer’s favorite charity. When all was said and done, the profit from her event was only $25 (roughly.) I felt terrible and tried to get outside sales to add and I kept it to myself, hoping to fix it. I delayed giving my donation to the promised recipient. When I had earned more money from other sales, I added $75 to make it an even $100. I received no profits for 2 months, while I attempted to nurse my ego and struggled with how to handle it.

That recipient hasn’t spoke to me since. Not only did I not perform as I had promised, but I took the easy way out in sending the donation with my daughter, who was going to see her anyway. (I should have been up front and honest and explained why I failed and I should have given an opportunity to try again with better effort on my part.)

So I learned to under promise and over deliver. When I deliver more than the customer expects and require less money than they were quoted, I come out ahead. People are naturally understanding and forgiving when you admit your errors and accept responsibility. But outperforming expectations will win favor every time.

It’s much easier to make it right if the mistake is admitted immediately. Even with good intentions, hiding the truth can ruin everything you’d previously earned. Even if the customer forgives you, others may not.

Unable to get over my own guilt and embarrassment, I never tried to make up for it and actually stopped selling. I was so disappointed and ashamed, and I let my ego become my priority.

Now, I’ve learned to share my experiences and stop selling a product. Solve problems and supply happiness….that’s all I need to do. As long as I know the product and have good experience with it, I can share that, but not as a way of promoting it. Speaking of and showing how the product performed for my use and just being honest and genuine is better than selling. I’m only recommending it as something that worked/s for me.

This helps me more than any other tips. Knowing that I can just express my approval of products I like makes me less of a sales person and more of a friend and confidant. The more value I can provide, the more people I’m helping. That’s all that matters. Being a giver and not a taker is the quickest way to universal rewards.

I’m not sure if I’m providing value, but I’m doing my best and have faith that my efforts will be worthwhile. I believe only in my ability to rock my business and in the changes that are going to affect my entire world very soon.

Do you have a story of a lesson or lessons you’ve learned that you’d like to share, regarding your job or your social circles? How did it affect your future experiences?

Thank you for reading my experiences and lessons learned. I pray you find value and success in reading my blogs! If I can help in another way, please let me know!


Building and Growing

Today’s training revolved around building up our email list and growing our audience. Not just any list or audience will do. This list and this audience will be specifically interested in what I have to offer. This might be another place in the process that has caused me to stumble before.

Have you heard of imposter syndrome? It’s a feeling of inadequacy or self-doubt despite evidence of competence. The best way to combat imposter syndrome is to focus on your strengths, celebrate small wins, and remember that everyone starts somewhere.

Writing a blog is a great way to solve any self-doubt we have. It allows us to share knowledge and experience, and it’s the information someone is looking for. If we properly research our topics and know there is a demand for the answers we can provide, we can write a blog that helps others in ways we can’t imagine.

It takes time to grow an audience through blogging. But with time and practice, success comes bigger and faster. When we have the foresight to implement various methods of content sharing, it allows us to accelerate our progress organically. If we can get a little traffic, we just need to find the places to peak and tweak our systems, and we will gain more traffic.

The best way to get traffic to our blog is to provide useful information that solves someone’s problems or shows someone the way to happiness. But even that isn’t enough if nobody reads our blog. It’s not like a brick and mortar business. “If you build it they will come.” No, with internet businesses, there’s no guarantee that even one person will stumble onto your site.

That’s where SEO and algorithms come into play. If you don’t understand how the search engines give you the search results they do, it’s not so easy to understand SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This means that when we first start writing blogs, the search engines probably don’t even know we exist.

That’s okay, though. There are more ways than one to eat an oreo. Through Plug in Profit Site, we learn that there are ways to promote our blog without begging for reads and spamming our contact list. It’s no guarantee that specific people will see our blog, but people will see your blog. The more you post and share your link with your unique following, the more eyes will inevitably end up on your blog.

There’s so much more that goes into it that there’s no way to write it all in a single blog post. I’ve been through so many training events that I’ve learned some of these things several times. If I were just starting out online, I can’t imagine I’d be willing to dive right into starting a business online, because I’m chicken.

Whether you have a job or not. Whether you’re 15 or 50. Whether you have a computer or a smart phone. Doesn’t matter. If you are capable of sharing your web site link with others, you can earn 5 checks a month for the rest of your life, just by signing up for your free site from Plug in Profit Site. How can you afford not to?

If you play the lottery, consider this. You are willing to invest at least $1 for the very slim minute chance that you will win. You can’t take your losing ticket and find other ways to get your money back or invest on a different ticket without another $1. For free, you are being offered a complete working website to start earning money online and the possibility of lifetime financial freedom. If I’m lying, what did you lose? If I’m telling the truth and you don’t get one while the getting’s good, what will you lose?

If I had found Plugin Profit Site in 2006 or 07, I can’t imagine how different life would be for many people. I’m grateful to have this opportunity to make life-changing money online. My life is forever changed and I’ve only just begun. I can’t wait to see where I’m at this time next year! I pray I’m still around to enjoy it, but if not, I’m okay knowing I’m leaving a definite source of financial freedom for my family.

For now, they think I play on the computer.

Thank you for spending your time to read what I have to say. I hope you found value in my blog. I’d love to hear from you if you found value or not. I value your input either way.

Some of these posts were written in Word and transferred to the blog. For this reason, the first posts to the blog aren’t posted in a timely fashion. I will get a grip on my schedule and settle on a specific time to post every day. Sign up to my newsletter to get alerts when I post a new blog entry.


Day 1 of 30 Days to Success

~ Granny X Affiliate is born.

I learned my way around my website and learned of some small steps I should take to set it up for earning profits. There are many ways to go broke when trying to start a business online. One expense for a tool or service is affordable. Then you find another expense that would speed things up and pay a little more. No big deal right?

Right, unless you never get to a point of making money. That’s an uncomfortable feeling, knowing that you have x number of days before all of those little fees come due again and you haven’t made a dime. If you’ve been though this before, you probably aren’t too willing to sign up for anything monthly or yearly.

There are ways you can spend money to accelerate your success, but it isn’t necessary and Stone is more than glad to show us how to accelerate our success without added fees or with them. Right from the start he leaves the plan of execution up to us. If we want to start earning today, he tells us how and warns us that it will work for now but it won’t provide the long term profits we could get with simple organic traffic.

Global Domains International, SFI, Traffic Authority, LeadsLeap and Wealthy Affiliate are the 5 affiliations I needed to sign up for and they are all represented on my website. I can remove and replace any of them. My free site is hosted by Plug-in Profit Site, so that is who my sponsor is and I must keep them on my site or lose my site. Fair enough! To be thorough, I will get to know these affiliations and all they offer, before I consider their value on my website.

The above affiliations have the most profitable and in-demand programs available. They are high converting and produce great commissions. They speak for themselves as to the value of their services and they pay well for the referrals. Because these are excellent business related websites, interested visitors are likely to continue to use them, month after month, which means I earn month after month.

I couldn’t help noticing that my use of various other tools and services might also be worthy to represent, in the future, somehow. For now, I’m content with my site as delivered. It will take me a fair amount of time to really get comfortable with making changes and blogging consistently, but I see that a routine with specific tasks to do will help form productive habits that will further my business. I can’t imagine seeing any need to change anything, although adding to the site might prove to be beneficial.

There are multiple ways to benefit from the entire website that Stone set up for me, including a newsletter and opt-in, and Aweber. A newsletter is a great way to attract return visitors, with the use of timely and industry-relevant information and news. Aweber will help me to send out emails and nurture my relationship with clients.

Not only does Stone tell us what works best, but he tells us how and why it works. He gives us techniques he uses, tools he uses and recommends sources for anything we could need. And like he has from the beginning, he gives us several ways to contact him if we are having trouble or want to discuss something further.

It requires a fair amount of time to read through Day 1, but if you get right to it, and you do as he says, you can be done with Day 1 in less than 3 hours, start to finish. If you have trouble with the execution, it could take longer. But I’m realizing that if it takes me longer than 3 hours, I’m overthinking it. Though, for Day 1, Stone encourages us to spend the entire day getting familiar with everything. But we should still post that first blog post. I did that yesterday. So here is blog post number 2.

I tend to write and rewrite multiple times. It really does not help me to be productive or helpful. So, this is one thing I can change and intend to. I’m encouraged that I recognize this and can work to eliminate the struggle. And to prove it, I’m going to start practicing today.

I’m going to proofread and post. I’m not going to second guess any of it or add more because it’s too short. I’ve learned how to attract readers and how the auto responder works. I’m going to cut myself a break and post, even if I think I could do better. Tomorrow is another day, another post.

Today, I’m grateful for this opportunity to hit the ground running and I’m excited to see the difference it makes in my life.

Thank you for using your precious time to read my blog. I hope it inspires you to get your own money-making website from Plug-in Profit Site!


I’m Not Playing On The Computer

It’s offensive to hear someone comment about my “face stuck in a tablet or phone all the time” or “you and your games” or , a really good one, “I could never spend as much time on my phone as you do.”

Ignorance Is Bliss

I never know how to respond, so most often, I just ignore it. To myself, I think, “one of these days they will see.” You would think it would be a great motivator. You know what? I know why it isn’t.. When I do finally get all my parts working properly and start earning money, they will choose to believe I got lucky. I’m okay with that. There are people who want and deserve a better life. I choose to find them.

It’s easier to believe that I didn’t do anything to earn the money than it is to admit they threw away their chance to earn. The crazy part is they’ll never read these blogs or ask how it’s going. I sure don’t understand how anyone could feel secure with one job and source of income, and I was a stay-at-home mom for 20 years. We had a comfortable living with one income in our household, but it took budgeting and thriftiness, and it wasn’t a secured income, as we found out, in 2019.

The snide remarks, the rude distractions, the disrespect for my time and personal needs and wants … it’s really just a covert way to manipulate the facts and outside impressions and to save face. It’s also a way for bullies to attack my character, my confidence and my self-image. Because I know how these abusive people get away with their dirty deeds by blaming the victim, I intend to help the victims. I have a list of people that I intend to help to change their world, as soon as I can show them it can be done. The people I want to start with have no idea what they are missing out on. They are hard working folks who have no idea they could have an easier life. They would never pursue the kind of life changes that will occur, but they will do good things with the abundance they receive and they will be good stewards of the opportunity.

The Right Stuff

Friday, I was offered a free website with the necessary elements to earn {Not 1, Not 2} 5 checks every month. Not one web page, or 5. Many pages, all with the required integrations, email list building tools, banners and the whole 9 yards. He promised it would be done within 24 hours, ready to start making money. I read every word of the invitation and was well aware of what would go into this and what I’d have when it was done.

I couldn’t believe the opportunity that I was finally able to pursue. Every other project I have been working on was set aside. If this turns out the way I think it will, I am going to have a complete set up site that will allow me to create multiple income sources, assets, customize my website, set up my portfolio, and give me all the writing practice I want. The best part was the way I would be able to help others, just like I have wanted to. This is exactly what I needed and I was advised by an astrologist that big changes were coming. Finally, a light at the end of the tunnel.

No Stone Left Unturned

With no reason to question the motives or abilities of this man, I was guarded, nonetheless. Stone Evans is this inspired man’s name, and he is one of the top affiliates in the world. I recognized Stone as being in another mentor’s mastermind videos. I also recognized a few of the mentors who gave Stone their testimonials, since they started with him, too! Russell Brunson is definitely someone who’s approval of Stone is compelling evidence of trustworthiness.

I kept my activities to myself and spent every spare moment I could find to get the required memberships signed up for and forwarded the details that Stone requested. Anticipation and excitement for the giant leap I just took was barely containable. Didn’t cost me anything (unless I wanted more than free accounts offered) so how could I go wrong?

Because there are plenty of others like me, and because I have the ability to show gratitude productively, I’ve decided to maintain this blog for the purpose of documenting the journey Stone has facilitated. I’d love to hear your thoughts and questions. If there’s a way I can help you to take this GIANT no-brainer step, please let me know! Join my email updates list and I’ll give you everything I have to help you the way I needed someone to help me!

Thank you for taking your time to read my blog!

Next Post: Day 1 of 30 Days to Success ~ Granny X Affiliate is born.

Curious to hear how it went? Did Stone deliver what he promised? Continue reading with the next post!

  1. Hi Kelli, it’s Stone Evans. I’m excited to watch your site develop and grow!


Hello world!

Hi, it’s Kelli and this is my new website. Stay tuned… I’ll have great things to share!

For starters, here’s an article I think you’ll enjoy…

It’s called: “Make the Leap to Home Business Success

Make the Leap to Home Business Success

If you are going to build a successful home business, you need 3 “intangibles.” These are things that must come from WITHIN you.

===> Intangible 1 <===

First, you must have a strong WHY.

Why must you make a home business work? What’s driving you? What is it that you CAN’T have in your life anymore and/or what is it that you absolutely MUST HAVE now?

For me, I couldn’t stand working 12+ hours a day anymore and missing the experience of my children growing up. I also absolutely HAD TO HAVE the freedom of being able to control my life and finances through a little box that I could carry with me anywhere in the world and not be tied to anyone’s time pressures or demands but my own. That was my carrot and my stick. I felt a great pain deep in my gut of missing out on my children’s lives and the incredible freedom that succeeding in this business would provide for me. I found my why. You MUST find yours.

===> Intangible 2 <===

You must BELIEVE that it is possible.

If you don’t believe that it’s POSSIBLE for you to succeed in a home business or make your living on the Internet, you won’t. It’s that simple.

For me, figuring out that it was possible was just a matter of realizing that many other people were ALREADY making great money with a home business online. If they could do it, I could too. It would just be a matter of figuring out what those people were doing and then adapting it to my situation.

There is no shortage of undeniable PROOF that people (millions of them) are making money online in many different ways. Just get online and do some research and you’ll find countless testimonials and stories of REAL PEOPLE making real money on the Internet. Or head to your local bookstore and you’ll find the same documented evidence of this fact. Truth is, it’s getting easier and easier to start and succeed in a home based business. This is primarily because of the Internet and affiliate marketing.

I’ve always said that “affiliate marketing” is the job of the future. In the “old” days, you had to go to a potential employer, apply for the position and hope for the best. Now you can simply go to any company you want, fill out their affiliate application and start work immediately. Affiliates are the new working class. Believe me, making money with affiliate programs or making your living on the Internet is WAY MORE than possible. It is pretty much (or will be soon enough) unavoidable now. Affiliate marketing is the “job” of the future that’s here TODAY.

===> Intangible 3 <===

You must be willing to MAKE THE LEAP.

Ready, FIRE, then aim… This is the operating philosophy you MUST adopt to succeed with an Internet home business.

That’s backwards for most people who like to aim before they fire. The fact is the Internet is a moving target… The only thing constant about it is change. You need to stop analyzing the game and simply jump into it. You can’t learn from the outside… You have to be IN THE RING to truly understand it.

The lesson here is that you will never really be READY to start a home based business. You simply have to start one. This is what I call “Making the Leap.”

The good news is that the cost of failure on the Internet is very small. In the “brick and mortar” world you need to evaluate things very carefully before you decide to open up a business. It’s almost always necessary to invest thousands of dollars to get an offline business off the ground. However, on the Internet you can often start a successful business for less than $100. In fact, Plug-In Profit Site is a really good example of this.

You simply need get IN THE GAME… Each moment that you stay “out there,” you’re wasting valuable time that you could be learning and skills necessary to become a successful affiliate marketer. In fact, if you’re not in the game yet, you’re ALREADY behind the times. Come on… You can do it! Make the leap to becoming a successful home based business owner today!

About the author: Stone Evans was a washed up restaurant worker desperately searching for a way to save his family when he discovered the internet and affiliate marketing… 24 months later he finally cracked the code and started earning over $10,000 per month. Now the same system that saved him is available to you here >>

Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

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